I'll be back on monday. or maybe tuesday.
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
Posted by Krinkels - June 8th, 2010
F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click...
F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click...
F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click...
F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click...
F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click...
F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click...
F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click...
F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click... F6 *click* *click...
Posted by Krinkels - May 22nd, 2010
Mc10 trundles along slowly. It's not the only thing on my plate (I.V. may need sum love), but it's certainly getting the most attention. The 'groove' has been established. I got a steady pace going on now that the whole thing is pretty much jotted out in sketch, more or less. Just have to commit the many, many hours to actualizing this monster, and some of the less conventional scenes are going to be... unconventionally time consuming.
P.S: This is the only screenshot you'll get for mc10
Posted by Krinkels - May 3rd, 2010
Got to finally see the office, pretty cool place. It was an honor to be in attendance for the awards ceremony and to show my ugly mug on the NG stickam. Got to meet all the regulars as well as many, many foreigners. It was good times, that's for sure.
Madness ten is barely trundling along, I'll be sure to let you know when/if I get up to a sprint in the progress there. I am certainly feeling a bit of a charge after visiting such a bustling hive of creativity.
What have YOU guys been up to?
Posted by Krinkels - April 15th, 2010
Madness Combat 10 will be taking top priority now, just started it today, really. Over the last 7-8 months it's just been sitting as MC10.FLA with "oh god" scribbled in blue on a single layer. There's a few other things I want to get done on the side, too. Everything from getting back to still-artwork to just outright making non-canon madness shorts, not enough hours in the day.
I don't want to divulge too much about side projects because a few of them involve other people and I'm uncertain of their level of commitment at this point.
Gotta keep busy. But look at me, going on and on about myself, how are YOU doing today?
Posted by Krinkels - March 17th, 2010
At 8,442 frames today, 3/17/10. I should be done sooner rather than later. They're at the final area, just gotta wrap up the gunfighting, put in all the sfx, and get the final cut of the music from sean (it's sounding pretty slick).
It's been one hell of a winter, playing the shut in let me just work on this flash nearly every day. It feels really nice to have pounded this one out faster than I have been known to in the past. I'm going to forego the usual 'preview' I do as I'm so damn close it would defeat the point, or would it?
Also, I'll be there for the baltimore meet you may have heard luis talking about.