You do.
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
You do.
inb4 you take the Newgrounds throne from Egoraptor
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Well deserved Krinkles, you inspired a whole wave of cartoons on the site that hasn't died down one bit
Beri nais
Congratulations great man, you really deserve more than that!
Yay, it is not Warhamer 40k but fans.
Yeah, you deserve that and more
Well you do more to deserved to take the throne :)
you mean, we don't deserve you. I still can't comprehend how would I live without madness combat!
Felicitaciones :D
who are you
Been watching you since I was 6 years old, series holds a special place in my heart and so do you. You've inspired a wonderful community that remains active to this day, you should feel very proud of yourself, I know we all are!
#Clickbait #madnesscombat #DontlistentohatIjustsaid #Weloveyou
Congratulations, amigo.
You most certainly earned it.
Muchas Respect.
about time old man
When i first read the title i saw "INCIDENT 40K", Is something wrong with me?
You are funny.
WOAH!!! I'm super honored to be one of those 40K. You deserve it all, and keep up the madness!!!