Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Artist/Game Dev
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
Thankyou, Matt. I searched for Voice Chat Adventures on YouTube and I left it on two of my friend's coments on MySpace.
who is the people of the car? is the people that gave the katana to hank?
and elicoptept hank is dead
I have a question why is red the sky meybe was holding the laser in the final of MC8 not?
krinkles mate
how many layers you using on this part of the animation?
each person 5-7 layers?
and how many others your using?
Hey krinkles, check this guy out. He makes really good music that you can maybe use in madness combat 9 <a href="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=92065741">http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?
fuseaction=user.viewProfile&frien dID=92065741</a>
cool.BUT WHO IS THE HERO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
treyvis out-
the reason thet Jebus didnt use his powers much is because the mystery charecter make him sick using his improbability drive and it made him cough up BLOOD to youse his powers. Also WHO IS THE MYSTERY PERSON?????? OOOO i know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS DA SHERIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
right Krinkels?
OMFG krinkels you're perfectionnist :D
I laughed my ass of on 35 seconds of rock! That is all!
Krinkels, you never disappoint, I'm looking forward to your sequel of Madness 8.
P.S. I loved your "35 seconds of ROCK" it really made my day! :D
If you deleted "35 seconds of rock" because it has a 3.88 why don't you delete "Breadman" while you're at it.
lol, you deleted it.
Yes, much in the manner one would flush a poo.
I know Hank is dead,
but will he ever come back as a zombie or something?
Will he be dead and not come back?
heheh dragonforce the best band of the power metal XP its very great the 35 seconds of rock...
Nice, Dragonforce! that was a good 35 seconds spent of my life, awesome Krinkels
Yay! It looks awesome! Can't wait to see it. I really hope that cheshyre is doing the music for this one. Keep it up. You are a GOD! I also love the DragonForce video. I never saw that coming.
LOL! short little cool awsome movie :)
to wat krinkels said
"I just realized that all the people in that screen are lefthanded. That was totally unintentional."
Well if you don't read the comment you wont even realize it!
And great Job krinkels, but try and make some more sick guns please!
Yeah and also this is much better than anything i could make/draw and 1 last thing, to all those stupid people that are full of B.S. and are talking $#!+ about this, but not giving a reason why they are, its gonna stay the same. 1 person that i have read that from TehUberSmeegle is a perfect example. He gave reason for why he saying that. So you want krinkels to change something, or watever your gonna need to be specific. Yeah and also this is wat he said 'WTF is with the heads? I know theyre the L33T Agents but shouldnt theyre be something at the back to keep it on? I dont wanna watch a movie where the L33Ts could be like "Oops, dropped my mask" '
Yeah thats all.