Theline in the background looks crooked, like they're still on the cliff edge. How long are they going to be on that damn cliff?! what's Madness without giant buildings filled with virtually identical, seemingly meaningless, empty rooms?
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
Theline in the background looks crooked, like they're still on the cliff edge. How long are they going to be on that damn cliff?! what's Madness without giant buildings filled with virtually identical, seemingly meaningless, empty rooms?
My first thought was: "hey, dude looks mexican"
Second thought was: "YAYZ!! LOTS MORE INSANITY!"
Keep it up mate, this is pure eyecandy.........just wonderful.....
CROWBAR FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Long time no hear, dude. I never really thought much o Madness, but ever since MD '08 last year, I've been a fan. Can't wait for the preview soon.
Hey, are you pumped for MD '09? I mean, how does it feel knowing that thousands of thousands of people are so dedicated that a certain group made a whole day on their site just to you and your works?
Sure, it's called "Madness Day" but we all know it's about the Krinkels.
Ah well, enough rambling.
Sanford owns, right?!Also-Who is moar a boss?Sanford or Deimos!?
You know... I've been promoting Madden NFL 2009 at my store way too much. I just realized I stated it was Madness Day 2009 coming up soon and Last year was Madness Day 2008... And clearly I am NOT from the future... Least I don't think I am.
Damn I'm stupid.
Hey man pumped up for that day man rock on dude
thank god you're alive! I thought you were dead!
What the fuck is a yellow dot doing amongst the red splatter? Think about something before your fuck it up, dumbass.
Oh, and nice detail on the pants.
o_O it was an upgrade. duuh..... any chance of letting sprites out on madness day?
can't wait for the preveiw
don't screw it up again k ?
deimos died of aids when the hook went up his bum
ive been woundering, madness characters always have 4 fingers except for the opened ones (like in that screeny) which have 5. Why is that?
krinkels, i expect to see a magv3 in this one
because thats what the auditer was downloading in mc8
Is he wearing a skirt? What the hell :P?
I wonder what's in those pouches on Sanford's belt...?
InuBlade360: Weed.
awesome this is gunna be really epic and new ^^
Cool, and look how miss-shaped the body is. terrible. just terrible. Dont you think you are rushing the series a little too much? Take your time, and dont make this a shitty rushed animation.
So the normality explosion didn't consume everything, at least, not yet. What exactly are Sanford and Deimos trying to do in this episode? find Hank?
OMFG, that's it! Sanford and Deimos have been behind the scenes the entire series, patching up Hank when he gets injured, supplying him with weapons, etc.
were you planning this since Madness 5 in their supposed 1st appearance?
Fuckin' Gordon Freeman!.
Ah, and this dead guy must be G-man!