MC8 is looking sexy. And I would lol if he choked someone with his halo. Good luck.
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
MC8 is looking sexy. And I would lol if he choked someone with his halo. Good luck.
Something tells me Hank's not coming back for #8.
btw, badass banner you got thar
Oh NOES!!!! aids is bad.
Dear Krinkels, Plz leave me a private message saying that HANK STILL LIVES!
I CAN'T LIVE WITH OUT HIM! well actually i just want to know if he lives,he is like best character and coolest looking one.anyways it looks awsome just like your whole series, keep it up
My banner agrees with you, son.
I am definitely in love with you.
THis is definitley teuring out to be one hell of a madess.....and looking from your Hank really going to come back as one of the cannabalistic monsters from my dreams? if so.....YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! This is goin to be one year I will never forget.
NG's Comrade,
sik!!!!!!!!!!! lol
yay new madness episode! ^_^ i hope that hank will be the hero again plz let it be^^
krinkels, will hank be back in madness combat #9? if not, i hope he is a split second before the end, and he shoots jebus with that kickass sniper jebus had. then he will put him in the living cargo,lol. respond when not working on madness!
not THIS again.
you make the jesus kill all the dudes thats nice but what happened to hank? gaaaa
OFMG KRINKEzLS rESPoNd 4 me PLZ THx <3<#<3#,33,33,,4<R
Hello again Krinkels, I'm not asking about Hank or Madness this time, i'm asking you if you could plz tell me where you get your sound effects, i need them for my upcoming pico tribute that is currently in the making in my sketch book,well the characters atleast, anyway im just asking if you could send me an e-mail of where you found your sound effects, my e-mail is
Note: Scrubbaloe is my real life nickname, i know it's weird, BLAM MY FRIENDS! is ussually a good source. General internet crawling is fine too.
You're awesome krinkels, you have to know that....
Reply if you're cool!
He's testing krinkels.
I'll get the shotgun, thx.
amazing just amazing you are an amazing artist you are the vincent van go of flash animation
Jebus looks hot in that picture. Yum.
So then I hear Jesus lieks mudkips?