Hilarious; with extra sarcasm! AND DAMMIT, YOU RUINED PART OF THE ENDING WITH THE SCREENSHOT, YA TWIT!! *lol* So Operator dies (I'm calling him that cuz of his headset), I'm assuming Commando (calling him that cuz of his outfit) dies, judging from the lineup the...I dunno, superborg (Are they called cyborgs? Cuz, they bleed yellow blood, I'm just guessing here, and he's got like...orange faceplating or something) seemed to have a lineup on him in the last screenshot. Hank, of course, will likely die, cuz, well, it's in his nature to kill everything and then finally get owned by some stroke of bad luck against him.
So! 9,500 frames. I don't think there's been many flashes on NG with that sort of a length to it. Probably done to a heavy electro-music beat that fits the entire thing perfectly, with blood and gore aplenty, lots of variants of weapons and violent kills and deaths, a half-dozen characters average in each frame, bullets flying, all the tricked-out animation sequences you're so fucking good with...
I daresay this longtime Madness fan(atic) will be moar than plz'd. Eagerly awaiting. And as long as it's as badass as we probably all expect, I don't mind the extra 4-5 month wait from your LAZY UNGRATEFUL FRENCH-WORKER-STYLE ASS NOT DOING ANYTHING. God Krinkels, just, like, abandon us all, don't fucking do any work on a recreational project, go off and have a fucking life, SEE IF WE CARE!! But it happens again, and no moar surprize buttsechz!
OMG THATS SOOO COOL i sooo cant wot for it to come out