Here's my prediction...
Awsome preloader pops up...
The bar slowly slides across the screen as you wait in anticipation...
It's finnally done loading! You click the button... And-
"Never gonna' give you up! Never gonna' let you down!..."
-Rick Rolled-
You will then proceed to throw your computer out of a 10 story building window.
So many comments -_-.
I like Sanford better. Or is that just because we saw Diemos killed? Still, his hook is cooler than Diemos guns and cigarette.
Like Doodlepantz, everything else is becoming boring for me. I feel like beating Portal Defenders with Mike some other time...
Actually, the flash isn't late. There's still around 11 more hours to go, this was posted at 12:128 PM last Sunday eastern time, a whole week...
Still can't beat Madness Interactive without cheats. >=(