The best animation known to man kind...
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
The best animation known to man kind... im pretty let down by the ending and the new hank. Dont get me wrong great flash but not even close to as good as most the other mcs, not as intense and this was the first one that was predictable except liek the last 20 seconds. Your still doing great flashes though, and bring the clown back :D
Now, I command you to take a break! You have worked hard enough
I guess Jebus really went the way of the sheriff...
I was looking forward to seeing if he was still alive
YES! I will watch it right now.
I gonna make you on an animation called W.O.M.F.A. 3, I will PM you in the day k ?
I lol'd real bad when deimos tried to play funny with sanford with that 1337 mask, lmao!
Nice pic XD. But seriously man you did a kick ass job on the movie and desevre a break
also you are you hero, cuz without you ,we 107 madness flash artists donĀ“t have nothing to animate here on newgrounds, Peace out
you look like a fag. also good job on madness 9.
nice pic....anyways the flamey black guys (i cant remember his name) red halo wasent there in a part of the movie...other then that FUCKING EPIC AWESOMENEES!!!!
also hanks head looked kinda funny.....the claw was sweet though....a bit weird but sweet
Excellent as always, despite a few (very visible) mistakes, such as the Auditor missing the red halo when in the room with the mutant soldier. As well as the Auditor missing his legs during the final fight.
Awesome job with the new episode, man. I bought a t-shirt a few weeks ago to support your art. So say fuckin thanks ;) lol
Wow, absolutely abysmal.
It was teh bestestest madness EVAR!
but after al that, i STILL want some puzzy. lolz spelling is incorect on purpose.
Hanks new design feels alittle off. u beisdes that greta animation
Hank was cool I admit just his head didn't suit, like I said the Combat Ninja look from MC7 suited him well, just a suggestion for number 10, make the Auditor or something, like a lightning bolt, run him down a little, take away his giant size and please god, I mean Krinkels change his face a little bit it seemed really uneven. I really liked MC9 though the hook, the humor, it was really creative, and the new, deeper plot side of it kinda made me feel weird but I liked it, just Hank, and the whole cut to black in mid sentence like the Sopranos did, that stuff is bugging me, ugh it was just getting really awesome I felt a rush coming over me then it ended when I saw to be continued, damn. but anyways, when you decide to start MC10 just change hank's face a little, or make him the same size he was before but keep his new look, or don't do anything at all, I'm just making a suggestion. Your choice, not mine. Awesome job again though.