jesus fucking christ guys!jebus doesen't have the "force".he friggen jebus for craps in whitch case,hes jesus,and can do anything,exept for healing himself apperantly.....
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Artist/Game Dev
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
jesus fucking christ guys!jebus doesen't have the "force".he friggen jebus for craps in whitch case,hes jesus,and can do anything,exept for healing himself apperantly.....
i commented on this thing! im so awsome!!
hey krinkels can i use hank (old hank with two wrappings of bandages on head and body) and clown for my comic later in the future i'll leave the copyright notices and everything reply if so
Watched the MC8 preview and i still can't figure out who the new* guy
Oh well...looks sik as hell tho so keep it up!-Long live Krinkels!!!
madness!!!!!!!!!! Who doesn't like a good madness combat vid..................................
besides hippies?
It looks like Evil-Jesus is the protagonist in this one. He looks bad ass scary too.
Those guys in the masks, that yellow goop they splash reminds me of the 'venom' that Bane usesto get big and badass in Batman. I can't wait.
when do it come's
why do the yellow guys do have yellow blood
hey Krinkels, I'm a huge fan of your madness series !1:D but when comes mc 8?:(
I wish you woulda released MC8 for Madness day :( Well, I guess I'll have to wait! :D
Aww...I want MC8. But I also want it to be good, so take your time with it...but not too long. Hope Hank is in it, but doesn't appear so.
I also want to just say that you must have a lot of patience and dedication to your work. I remember hearing you once said that MC4 was going to be the last one...glad it isn't though.
Rofl, a yellow (probably flame) guy got shot preety bad, and a grunt is being (force pushed) to the celing by Jebus. w00t! JEBUS PWNS MASTER CHIEF!
that looks sick@!
Say, krinkels. Should i tell everyone your sectret?
your teh cool! i love you krinkels.
???? what happened to Hank, and TRicky?? are they dead ..... for good!!! (sides jesus is boring!! hank is better...... ok mabye jesus isnt boring but hank os still better) (why dont you make one of trickey in stead of hank or jesus????) LAWLAWLAWLLAWLLAWLAwl
I'd like you to respond to this Krinkels but if u don't well that doesn't really matter. I personally think that the shady looking character at the end of MC7 is...THE SHERIFF! lol no really though i seriously belive it to be the sheriff what else am i supposed to go on? i know it snot the sun lol i know its not rich employe of the month (lol madness 2) so who could it be? im gussing its the sheriff bu well... thats just me.
PS: I sure hope that Hank J Wimbeldon isn't dead.. Hes my favorite ^_^ but it was nice of you to give Jebus a main role lol. (tricky is teh dead w00t!!!)