Is that who i think it is! xD
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
Is that who i think it is! xD
Same room, different 1337 glasses.
Yay we get to see someone put on bandages for once :D
AHHH THE GRAPHIC QUALITY STUNS ME IN WAYS THAT CAUSES MY PENIS TO ENLONGATE. In all seriousness, it's about time you ditched that crappy fancy stuff and went back to your roots!
Are you associated with Madness Wiki?
Well this is a random post
your going back to madness 3?!AGIAN?!
tht be weird if tht was a pic of hank,and he was just dreamin teh whole thing o....o
hay Krinkels, is that the collab? or a siple image?
omg wtf you said this wouldnt take long to come out!!! >:[
There's a random hand behind the L33t.
Or I'm missing something.
Anyways nice screenie. Glad to see you haven't quit yet. :D
Also, where the hell do you come up with these picture names?
is sanfords mouth a clip on
idk who is who...
to the right-diemos
the left-sanford
I guess the dude you is fighting is sanford because in madness 9 sanford did most of the fighting while diemos just stood behind him and watched
"It seems as though I have more people who hate me and want to watch me fail..."
Damn stright! things have been going too good for too long, my friend. Things can only go downhill from here.
I have forseen it. The crab arm was the beginning of the slow and painfull decline of Madness Combat as we know it.
It was fun wile it lasted.
People, Deimos is the one bandaging his head while Sanford is fighting the 1337. You can tell because Deimos had a larger wound than Sanford had.
I'm pretty sure the one bandaging his head is Deimos, since he had a huge bandage around his head under his hat in Mc9, so there ya go.
is this some kind of a new upcoming movie? if it is i can't wait. looks pretty good.
Who is the musicman for this one? i have my fingers crossed for cheshyre
Who's putting on the bandages? Sanford or Deimos?