Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
197 comment that a col pic
MOAR MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will hank be in maddness 8 or will it just be the jesus dude
It'll only be Jesus.
Hank will be in Number 9.
--A friend of mine from S. Korea was just introduced to Madness yesterday (I posted this comment on 5:42 PM, Thursday dec. 20, 2007.) He said it was too 'easy' for him. Next day he asked me when Madness 8 was going to come out.
But back to the topic... the giant's facemask looks cool, but if it is not too late, might A large-larger weapon such as an RPG Launcher super-machiene gun fit a giant better than a Large Handgun? This is just my oppinion, but anyways, Madness 8 looks great!
An RPG would be nice, but Jeebs makes due with what's available. Think of being stabbed in the face with a pocketknife by a 2 foot tall human being on steroids and PCP. That's sorta like how bad it sucks to have a size advantage.
If you can would you have a madness guy as a slave or friend?
Slave, I require more vodka.
Madness 7 was great that means that this will be even greater :3
The wait is too long... I may do exactly what Hank does soon if I don't see Madness Combat 8!
almost done? please finish up!
Shut the fuck up and wait for MC8 quietly, you assholes.
Krinkels did have a 13th newspost saying this wouldn't be out on christmas but he deleted it. meaning it may be out on christmas or before christmas.
Chances are he is about 70 or something percent complete. Hell he could even be 5% complete.
I was raised by a cup of coffee
awwww man madness is awsome it just amases me how much detail you put in well thx for making madness
ok, i have about 2 things to say/ask.
awsome pic, looks like a success is approaching in the form of flash
and secondly, why did you origionally choose te style with no ligaments, just hands a head and a body (oh and feet)?
whoa, you joined 3 days after tom fulp. you are one of the first NGers. When did you first start animating?
Why are they after Jebus now? actually don't tell me.