Matt "Krinkels" Jolly

Matt @Krinkels

Age 43, Male

Artist/Game Dev

Philadelphia, PA

Joined on 12/18/99

Exp Points:
21,758 / 22,480
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
8.58 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
7y 8m 20d

your gay :)

Btw, You just had 133 (7) comments.

Now i ruined it >:)

Krinkels, you asshole, I just realized something.
People who smoke are the first to die in some of your flashes. And Diemos smokes! SO OF COURSE HE DIED!!!!!! THIS HAS BLOWN MY MIND!!!!!!L!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1One

Hey Matt, I have a question...
Do you earn your money by making these animations or is it a hobby, whatever it is, dont stop! Also, how did you come up with such a awesome style of and animating and any tips for me?

Lol, you just had 137 comments!

Naw i ruined that too >:)

can't like it,but is aint that bad

hey krinkels i'm a big fan i am 13 years old and i like your toons i'm starting to make madness toons but they are short.would you give me the fla file of your latest toon pleas then i can see how you do that.


greets a big fan

always been a fan of your work krinkles catch me on facebook

all he wants is a hug (and blow someones brains out)

matt u know what would be awesome add dragons to madness dragons eating people hank and snadford shoot the fuck out of everyone

Ha I doubt it! see you in like 1.5 years

Have you ever thought of doing a flash of Duke Nukem? Think: Guns, as far as the eye can see! Boobs, the size of Duke's Ego!


At the size of Duke's ego? Now that would just be disgusting.

I was bored so I canonized it, thank me later. After flying their helicopter away freshly covered in blood from their slain enemies, Sanford and Deimos decided that they had a craving. They needed to eat, fast. As their chopper ran low on gas, they reached a compound boasting the presence of a White Castle restaurant. Sadly the complex has been taken over by crazed sunglassed thugs and their mustard filled companions. The boys must make their way throught he industrial rooms of baddies in hopes of filling their craving.

Title: Sandford and Deimos Go to White Castle.

There's gonna be zombies, right? Lots of zombies?

I has a theory.

You know how in MC10, the Auditor starts getting hurt by that blue lightning and it says, "REJECTION: INCOMPATIBLE"? I reckon Jesus' halo was 'rejecting' the Auditor's use of it, similar to how a transplanted organ can be rejected by its new host. When Hank tried the halo on, it chose him to be its new host, which is why he could control the lightning. Or something like that.


P.S. That last comment was #150. This is #151. I totally forgot to point that out ^^'

Good luck to your wife.Her costume is amazing ^^.I wanted to be in the competition too but my Ichimaru's Gin cosplay is taking so long to arrive T_T!!!

Damn dude seriously, MAdness 10 is the best so far. I love that electric punch and the FBF effects on the auditor and his powers were amazing dude. You outdid yourself. I just had to mention that one more time because I re watched 10 and am just amazed.

Madness seems to be dying out. How does this make you feel?

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