Red walls...Yum!
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
Red walls...Yum!
Oh Krinkels you just made my day :)
you shud make your next madness super op like hank and just thousands of guys getting owned all badass like.
Incident: 011A? Madness 8.5? Madness Combat 11? (unlikely in our lifetime)
Someone got their force powers back.
I require a homosexual black character in your animations. Make it happen boy!
The blood just keeps getting better and better as you go on. You've evolved a lot from that plain blood of madness 2 3 and 4.
Talk about face rape, side ways :3
Holy shit, what da hell happened there?
have you ever planned on redoing some of the older madness combats with updated graphics thanks to your new skill?
Would give people something to watch while you work on other stuff.
plus, how is IV doing? She getting any love?
from time to time:
http://krinkels-r909.deviantart.c om/gallery/#/d4kzel8
Did Hank get ahold of a Thundergun? Or is he throwing people in his MAG form? Or is he using his lightning abilities to throw grunts around like dice?
awesome! >:D
Floors were built just for people to be smashes into them...
Damn straight
um, hand Grenada, or airburst grenade launcher?
too many calladoodies
you should consider making collabs with other good animaters, DIMB, Delamortes, Gabriel B. etc.
I look forward to it
"Jesus was here."
I really love your dedication to your series and fans. :3
:D :D :D