Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
STUFF OMG!!!have fun at comic con
Have a gay old time. (old usage of the word)
how about you tell us loyal followers here what you're releasing in februaury? :[
I'd come, but I live in Australia.
Have a great time
All of this chewing of the ear and releasing of unknown content is getting me all sorts of hot. Release whatever you can muster up into my ear! I crave it so!
Yayyy!! :)
Dangit New Orleans... have a Comic Con in Houston already!
Damn I live in Winnipeg :D
And I'm gonna say (hope)
1 madness combat 11
2 another incident
3 madness interactive 2
4 madness combat 8.5 or 1.5 ect.
5 and what the hell tricky madness 3
2/5 ain't bad.
Why not just tell us up front? D:
Once I get back, I'll have more to show. :3 I promise.
i wanted to, but theese comic cons is always all the way over in fucking USA.
retarded it is.
Have Fun Matt! :D
As long as you don't literally tear my ear off, and spit it back at me whilst telling me these things, I'll happily accept what you've got to say ;)
daggomit i wish i still lived in new orleans but meh uncle just had to kick us out of out of his property that basterd >:(
Looking forward to more updates, Matt!
Have fun at the convention!
Come to the Barcelona Comic Con!
Will you float me some info about the upcoming stuff if I give you $50?
Pictures please!
Have fun, lucky bastard!