Do as you please, mate; whatever you make works for us!
Although, you do know how to keep a man wanting, yer saucy bugger.
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
Do as you please, mate; whatever you make works for us!
Although, you do know how to keep a man wanting, yer saucy bugger.
I dont care much for what you do but welcome back.
nobody is made of you shall
Welcome back :)
Welcome home
Welcome homo
good to see you mate.
Welcome Home dude.
it is great to nave you back newgrounds was not the same with out you krinkels
welcome home!
You're a hard man, Krinkels. When I find myself unproductive, it takes me years to get bored enough to get back to work. Would that I had the will of men like you.
welcome back then, My job made me work after my shift, And I don't get paid after that. :(
please sleep.
Krinkels, can you answer my message i sent to you? thanks
You did have fun at Comic Con, right?
Welcome to the Danger Zone! *loads rifle* Time to kill some haturz
Welcome back!
YAy.. Krinkels i like your animations.
Thanks! n_n