very sneaky cant wait
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
very sneaky cant wait
We all know what you put in the box.
of course you know, silly. I just told you!
oh, a suprise for madnessday.
Or you want us to think you dont have a clown head for us.
Because having an iron slab over your face with a hole in it makes you that much more epic when beating people with street signs.
I bet Hank wants this box, but will be disappointed when he sees what's inside it. Or maybe he'll masturbate when he sees porn mags inside.
I bet 50 bucks the image is from a new incident.
Hey Krinkels, did you know there's a Korean song craze called PSY-Gangnam Style. When I listened to it, I wonder if it could go like this:
What's in the fucking box?! (You get a cookie if you can guess the movie without google)
I'm not wasting this TAC 9 for nothing. *aims*
oh great lets get the box in the road so mkj knows that we fan dont like to wait so long on nevada behind that wall of course bfore his killed or something or maybe hanks answer THIS IS THE WRONG BOX
yeah i look every day for some hopefully god dam news
Hanks hiding in this one like in Incident:001
Don't act like he isn't Matt >:C
May be it is empty...i guess
it has poop in it.
Oh boi.
YAY! Its Madness Combat 11? Or Madness Combat 8.5?
And, this box is too small. Hank doesn't get out in box.
Its a nice box you got there....
Would be a shame if any INCIDENT would be to happen....
And then suddenly, Hank bursts through the door, shoots the poor bloke from behind, opens the box and-