now you make me feel overanxious, like a coffee overdose, i hate that feeling
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
now you make me feel overanxious, like a coffee overdose, i hate that feeling
oooooo im gonna goo and play it right now :)
Make something with ponies in it!
i lost my data when i was level 138 or something.....
i dont wanna play all over again....
ogm ogm ogm
I don't like how I have to keep getting back to level 30 & do the whole of story mode every time Chrome erases the memory.
your idea looks epic and the first one should be able to place landmines and stuff like that
Ep 1.5....
Is that the origin of jebus?? :O
Anyways, its awesome! xD
@Greencheekyconure No ponies please, I don't want them to ponyfi Madness Combat. They've invaded enough of the content out there. And thank you for the update Krinkels! It's glorious!
Yay :D
thanks krinkels!
I've heard that the new version of Chrome deletes shared object files by default, unless users change the settings.
Time to start using cloud saves I guess.
my progress why....?
dude I'm crying :'(
why why why do you do this to my I don't want ro play arena mode..........................................
.........................or history mode I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so sad matt please help me! I will wait for your answer
It's unfortunate. I don't have all the details on how the saves are being messed up. Stay tuned.
lol your all partying so i killed you all because i wasnt INVITED!!!
Imma play this update later on, this looks really promising!
But i it canon?
Nonetheless, I got stuck on the first floor of the nexus tower. :P
Sweet, Matt. I've been a fan of Madness ever since it started. Keep it up, dude. Now all this madness will end as soon as you get Madness 11 up.
Great,keep it up :)