Matt "Krinkels" Jolly

Matt @Krinkels

Age 43, Male

Artist/Game Dev

Philadelphia, PA

Joined on 12/18/99

Exp Points:
21,444 / 21,490
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Vote Power:
8.55 votes
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Police Officer
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B/P Bonus:
7y 6m 17d

basically i am done retaliating HAPPY NOW yes i know i blew shit out of proportion over a stupid fucking joke, i will move to something more useful of my time instead wasting my time in pointless argument that i instigated that never got anywhere. now that's out of the way, you can like me or hate me (i am sure you will all still hate me anyway) that's fine i don't care. its finished endless you want to give me a reason to continue spamming bullshit at people i am done fighting, the war is over (if you want to call it a war) though most of you will call it pointless spam fest, call it what you want i am done now lets move on to something else of importance. it must end now and i think you people would agree though i don't any of you give shit about anything i have to say at this point. now if you excuse me i am going to get back to my story am writing for Creepypasta Wiki. i am sorry wasting your time and if you still think i am an asshole for causing this shit in the first place so be it i don't care anymore. whether you feel sympathy for me or not it doesn't make a difference i am taking this to seriously maybe i don't know and i don't care i'm done.

basically i am done retaliating HAPPY NOW yes i know i blew shit out of proportion over a stupid fucking joke, i will move to something more useful of my time instead wasting my time in a pointless argument that i instigated that never got anywhere. now that's out of the way, you can like me or hate me (i am sure you will all still hate me anyway) that's fine i don't care. its finished unless you want to give me a reason to continue spamming bullshit at people i am done fighting, the war is over (if you want to call it a war) though most of you will call it pointless spam fest, call it what you want i am done now lets move on to something else of importance. it must end now and i think you people would agree though i don't any of you give shit about anything i have to say at this point. now if you excuse me i am going to get back to my story i am writing for Creepypasta Wiki. i am sorry wasting your time and if you still think i am an asshole for causing this shit in the first place so be it i don't care anymore. whether you feel sympathy for me or not it doesn't make a difference i am taking this to seriously maybe i don't know and i don't care i'm done.(sorry spelling errors i know)

well my writing isn't perfect but you get the point.

basically i am done retaliating HAPPY NOW yes i know i blew shit out of proportion over a stupid fucking joke, i will move to something more useful of my time instead of wasting my time in a pointless argument that i instigated that never got anywhere. now that's out of the way, you can like me or hate me (i am sure you will all still hate me anyway) that's fine i don't care. its finished unless you want to give me a reason to continue spamming bullshit at people i am done fighting, the war is over (if you want to call it a war) though most of you will call it pointless spam fest, call it what you want i am done now lets move on to something else of importance. it must end now and i think you people would agree though i don't any of you give shit about anything i have to say at this point. now if you excuse me i am going to get back to my story i am writing for Creepypasta Wiki. i am sorry wasting your time and if you still think i am an asshole for causing this shit in the first place so be it i don't care anymore. whether you feel sympathy for me or not it doesn't make a difference i am taking this to seriously? maybe i don't know and i don't care i'm done.(sorry spelling errors i know) (had to fix some errors okay last one i promise i type to fast just ignore the ones bellow)

Good god JG just stop. Man I remember when I was a 13 year old on the internet. Good times.


i wonder what krinkels is thinking right now.

1. He doesn't give a shit
2. He doesn't give a shit
3. He's loling hard
4. He's most likely doesn't give a shit

you're a homophobic faggot you anti-gay flaming homo

Those playing cards look awesome! To bad I am poor bastard T.T

FUUUUUUUUU! If I had known about your card kickstarter earlier I would have donated, but I'm too late, and now I will never get a deck of badass Horsemen of the Apocalypse cards Q.Q