Matt "Krinkels" Jolly

Matt @Krinkels

Age 43, Male

Artist/Game Dev

Philadelphia, PA

Joined on 12/18/99

Exp Points:
21,724 / 22,480
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
8.57 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
7y 8m 13d


Oh god yes.
Also, I'm sorry I can't donate any more at the moment. If I had enough, I would totally take that 500$-10k back, but sadly I'm a bit poor at the moment. Such timing.

hell yeah 8D

Amazing >:DD

I'll probably upgrade my donation soon, though going from helping design a faction, to simply creating a cheat code, almost seems like a step back. But if I -really- upgrade, it might be nice to tag up a few walls in the game! Lol, I still don't have a machine capable of running it yet O_o

I took a chance and put a NG sticker on my bumper... and wiggling my tail to get noticed ;)

That's a splendiferous way to get noticed! :D

Damn it! I wish I had money! D:

i'll gather as much money as possible, i promise

We're all gonna make it, brah.

I'll try my best to gather some more as well

It'd make a big difference if EVERYBODY just donated $1 each. It could sum up to hundreds of dollars, if not more...

Does Madness Combat placed in Fallout universe?

Last I heard it's a prequel to Final Fantasy VII.

Mixon, what the hell are you talking about.

i am rooting for you guys to get it made from the video it looks awesome as heck

I Guess someone has to go to a police station, shoot a few policemen down and escape in a truck, labeled everywhere with giant Project Nexus 2 banners, while in chasing pursuit with all the police wrum wrums and media choppers reporting breaking news live over whole nation.

I saw on the Kickstarter that the Sheriff is coming back. I thought you hated him?

Now the bandits want to get involve? Well if they're gonna get in our way, Then we have no choice.
Don't worry we'll do the best we can to bring this game to LIFE!!!

I am telling everyone 1 of my friends in this world to help support this game.I want this game to grow,I really do.Anyone who reads this comment,help support the game and I will call you a pro cause you are.Project Nexus 2 Forever!

Ya, I'll throw a tenner or something, but it is looking rather grim mister Krink.

Would be a good idea for all of you out there to basically let the people who greenlit this on steam that $15 is essentially pre-ordering this game and link them the posts validating Krinkels and especially The-Swain as valid game creators

in half the time that was the kickstarter won 25.800 dollars! maybe not reach 56,000 ... but if it at least 45,000 or 50,000 dollars could bring it out as they win the rest of the money put the missing updates are they managed it in one way or another

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