Take your time man, Its a big project , Looks good :v
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
Take your time man, Its a big project , Looks good :v
take your time
don't go to fast
just take your time
please stop repeating the same comment
I expected something more of a labyrinth, maybe it would add variation to the location if for one reason or another some passages were blocked, and some buildings connected to each other? Not to be later destroyed or removed to give passage to the player, but make it just harder to reach from point A to point B.
Great job on the plans, I really like how accurately drawn they're.
I. NEED. MC11 INFO!!!!
I'm glad people still use the "dosh" word, not even my english teacher knows it.
Still waiting for it,also can't wait for MC11 too.
Where's my fun pack of buttons. I wanna put them on my granny's fridge and complain that she doesn't understand how cool Hank is.
Mixon, you're hilarious. also, KEWL BEENS about the concept art. looking forward to it!
waiting for 2015 year to watch MC11
Can you wait it?
Keep on trucking Krinkels!
as the guy 3 comments down said (although worded differently) WHAT ABOUT MC XI?????
Krinkles and Swain living together... I predict sitcom high-jinks.
Big plans that look very good. It will be luxurious game. good luck
Take your time, there's always likely to be delays along the way, that's the problem with big projects like this.
Besides, this is already looking pretty rad :]