Madness day is in one month!
Will Madness Combat 11 arrive on that date? I can not promise this! Every time I think I'm on the last scene I get a case of the "wouldn't it be cool if..."
How many frames are done? Who cares! What's in a frame?
Am I excited about what you guys will be bringing? Of course!
I'm on the last scene of this fucking behemoth. Frankly it's longer and bigger than I wanted it to be and I feel like it's starting to suffer for its size, but that could just be me hanging out inside my own head about it for too long. MC11's development was marred by many factors, but I have no regrets. I'm glad things are working out the way they are. I've developed skills outside of the realm of that old dying creature known as Flash, I've gotten sober, and hey, we got Project Nexus 2 coming out this year! Holy shit what a time to be alive. Also check out this dumb screenshot from somewhere inside mc11, where there's a bunch of keyframes who cares.