Marsh Mellow Madness was released twenty years ago today. Since then, thanks to the endless support of fans and the contributions to the madness zeitgeist, it has been allowed to continue and grow as a series and even as a brand. It's absolutely insane to think about and you damn well know that when I tossed this on the portal that I had no idea it would wind me up on this long trajectory (had I known I might've dropped my CS major sooner!)
I've had the opportunity to tell a nonsense story for decades, scored to Cheshyre's brilliant audio tracks. I had the extreme honor of working with Swain to tell the story through a retail game. I've watched Madness Day come to be and grow into a Newgrounds celebration the dwarfs the source material by no less than two orders magnitude. I can't say it enough, thank you guys for being a part of this.
2022 will see the release of MC9.5 part 2, and the completion of the MC9.5 arc. Continued updates for Madness: Project Nexus, and new work on the series in the form of the beginnings of MC12. I'm excited. I'm excited to shoulder this.
YOU'VE COME SO FAR! your profile is an inspiration :)