MD2022 prize pool on deck; $2025
Hey there! Not dead, or even dormant, here! been busy, and you're due an update on all that!
Quickly, what I am up to in big broad strokes;
Work with Gibbing Tree obligations has me putting together assets and planning updates for Madness: Project Nexus with the-Swain that will take us into 2023. Halloween stuff, some new map lookin' things. That sorta thing.
The guys over at Makeship decided to extend the availability of the plush by a week!! Tricky Plush over at Makeship! Consider supporting the Madness and getting a really sweet plush at the same time!
MC12 clips along with what time I can scrape together! I've gotten into the part where I'm done sketching stuff out and doing backgrounds and got to the killin', so.... maybe a million years til that one sees the light of day. GOOD NEWS, however, I've begun enlisting assistance to help me along with the more arduous aspects of asset creation. Right now I got Tarkade on board to lighten the background artwork load.
We've got a lot to work through. Having broken up the judging into three waves, we're still barely into the second wave of elimination to widdle things down to get our winners. If there weren't so many incredible pieces of art, music and animation this would be going faster. We're dealing with 695 Art submissions, 117 animations, and 72 music entries. I've been listening to these a lot while sketching idly in the evenings. Picking favorites is agonizing, but we're getting there. Thank you for your patience and you'll be hearing from me/us before long.
Tarkade's time to shine B)