Matt "Krinkels" Jolly

Matt @Krinkels

Age 43, Male

Artist/Game Dev

Philadelphia, PA

Joined on 12/18/99

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2024 Spring Update.

Posted by Krinkels - May 21st, 2024



Truly excited to pass along the progress Swain and the rest of the Modding beta team. I've had very little to do with this step of the journey but I have been watching over the shoulders of the people working on it, and offering help to the artists who are putting together the first run of mods that will appear in the Steam Workshop. It's unreal, at release we really didn't think this game could support workshop but Swain performed miracles, here. More data on how that's coming along in the article linked above. One mod pack I'm particularly excited about is Lurk's stab at a making high definition versions of what exists in the game, a proper remastering. Very exciting.


Madness Combat 12 Update


I'm not making MC12 into two parts, I've decided to tell the whole story in a single entry and it's going to take a bit longer as a result. I've got too many ideas for what needs to come next to spend this long here. The music will be good and the audio will be crunchy as hell if the animation isn't up to snuff. There'll be something of value in there. There's a bit where sanford has a lever gun and it's pretty cool. Bless Cturix and Cheshyre for making the animation GOOD.

For cartoons after MC12 I'm going to be making a team to expand on what I go, or going to be reaching out for assets once I have a punchlist of all the things I need. Things might get disjointed... I'm too old and tired to handle these mammoths on my own, especially given that game development has long cemented itself as central to my schedule, leaving me with less time to focus on animation, or even art. I'm aware of, and frightened of, the need to organize and communicate effectively, but I think I can handle it. We'll see.

Thanks for hanging out, guys, and how could I forget? It was awesome to meet some of you guys last weekend at PICO DAY.



Hey Matt how's life

Doing alright. :)

finally I can look normal replaying the same fucking game for the fourth time in a row plus arena combat

This game is going to become bonkers in the coming months.

This is looking good, keep up the great work!

Take all the time you need, me and many others will be their when both of these projects come out!

it'll be wild to see GOOD ASSETS in the game for once!

Lookin neat so far krinkle

Thanks my dude.

I'll be waiting patiently. Just as I am waiting for Godzilla Minus One to come to the US on blu-ray

Can't wait!

cool updates! I really like your work, Krinkels!

somebody give big W to matt

It was so awesome getting to meet you at Pico Day! I'd say I can't wait to see what comes next, but I know the best products take lots of time so I'll wait patiently~
Keep cookin' Krinkel-san! Good luck!

Hell yeah dude right back at ya!

Still Waiting for Mc12 patiently
Mr Krinkels :)

It was great meeting you! You need to give me your workout routine tho, I wanna be ripped as you

Starting Strength by Mark Rippentoe is a good place to begin. Can't be ripped if youre weak; that's just being scrawny.

Awesome. Love this news so much. I am feeling unbelievably patient right now. Also, are you sure you don't want to make grunt head chocolates? (lol)

Krinkels Nick Fury arc

What an old man, lol

Take your time, it'll be worth it when MC12 is out

I'm excited for the new era of Madness, I mean the Auditor is literally next to Hanks unconscious body in the end of 11, The AAHW will succeed

Woahhhhh this looks awesome! And hey, its ok to take breaks and to have a team supporting you! They didn't build Rome in a day and like that, a man cannot do everything himself. Hope you had an awesome Pico day dude and I'll be getting project Nexus 2 soon!


I hope this will be the coolest update! Well done, and happy Pico day! XD

Excited to see the Workshop stuff take off, been great seeing you at Pico Day and the office these past few weeks!

That ain't doc, that's matt krinkels jolly junior

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