I want to wrap this up, put a ribbon on it and get it out there but,I can't stop adding on to it!
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
Posted by Krinkels - October 28th, 2009
I want to wrap this up, put a ribbon on it and get it out there but,I can't stop adding on to it!
Keep on adding until ur brains explode :)
Are those walls of blood? Or red noise?
And.... Happy Decemberween.
Will sanford have a lip or not?
God damnit. I meant Halloween.
Include a strangling in this one PL0X.
omg they look hurt! i hope the guy who stands up will summon the ambulance a.s.a.p and that he knows some first aid he can perform until more help comes! D:
Keep the epicness coming, this looks EPIC, and the more epic it is, the better.
BTW, is chesyre doing the music again this time?
That's a very odd effect on the image there. The doors look like they are in GIF quality thought the rest does not. Would you mind explaining, or would you rather let peapole wonder? This looks very nice. Woudn't be surprised if it turned out to be the best one yet!
Reds don't compress well in images.
Also, length?
awesome screenshot krinkels, soon this will be out I hope :D
go krinkels!
That's one fucked up elevator.
Burritos are delicious.
is this a post meaning mc will be out soon or is it just to show us that u aint dead and that mc is progressing nicely? xD
Add on, I'm not concerned about how long it takes as long as it's kickass, which it will be anyway because I've never really seen any bad Madness Combat episodes except maybe the first few because you were just starting it then...
P.S. lol, I wonder just how many times Sanford's gonna be shot in the hand XD
Woah! Almost looks like Tricky might have something to do with this. +)
just as long as i get 2 se it soon im fine.
Oh, I thought the red came out normally, and you had some screwed-up, trans-dimensional plot going on... Anyway, can't wait. :3
Add as much as you want, we can wait (I think)
looks sick and FIRST!