Tomorrow morning I'm headed out. Back to Colorado for three weeks with a stop in Albuquerque. Just a heads up.
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
Posted by Krinkels - June 9th, 2011
Tomorrow morning I'm headed out. Back to Colorado for three weeks with a stop in Albuquerque. Just a heads up.
Yay. I'm hoping to start up another PC project, but I'm focusing on starting a case from scratch.
bacon and beans
You need a break from *click*f4**click*f4**click*f4**click*
f4**click*f4* I bet ur fingers hurt :P
Mmkay, have fun
Running away from fleek, are we?
But what about Duke Nukem? I bet you pre-ordered it and if your gone three weeks you won't be able to pick it up until you get back! OH TEH NOES!!!
As long as youre not Somewhere in Nevada.. hurrrrrrrrrrrrr
so when can we expect you getting your MC: XBOX back up with those helpers? I would like to play the whole of madness combat from mc1 to mc10. I expect MC 7.5 will be be out by march 2012
Why have you been moving(or business journey?) so many times?
I knew you were going somewhere. U deserved a good rest. Hmm if its possible to donate.........
Can u try a browser game for once?? Go to deadfrontier .com to see what im talking about. Zombie mmo.
Smoke some weeeeeeeed.
Have a good time :)
OK have fun with that.
I always like how i always get first comment lately, even though i'm not a check your userpage every 5 seconds person its like just from luck.
Classic MacGruber
occasionally ill be quirky
You should definetly stay inside your house all summer to work on MC11 just to satisfy your fans! (warning! may cause "beating a dead horse".)
Have fun! Blow something up out there!
You are the bomb! You are a sticky explosive!
Cool! Make sure you don't make a wrong turn!