But so are these guys so it's all good.
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
Hell yeah! Coming soon! :D
Let me guess.Madness 7.5?
Oh and happy 100nth post :D
wow! MC7.5 fuck yeah!
this must be 7.5
Another screenie? OH TEH YAYZ!
We need Madness...
Yay! 1st comment!
Hook ^_^
I don't know what to say about this. MC11, since his hook is bloody, but even then, he lost it in MC10, or MC7.5 since Deimos is alive. Although, the background looks familiar.
I like the silent approach they've taken.
Interesting, but I also notice Sanford is holding that new semi-auto gun, not sure how to classify it.
Could you clear it up with a name for the gun?
I sense 7.5
including jebus? I mean we wanna know what he does between 7 and 8 :D
now 1337 got upgrade again?
now the mc7 is made of!
omg i just noticed, i got the 1st comment of the 100 posts o.O!!
so much for stealth
wow. a new madness episode coming soon. please respond of me making madness episodes if you are not happy about it. i will not interfear with the madness combat episodes. but cant wait for madnes 7.5 or 11.
So is this where Deimos get all that band-aids that was amiss in 6.5?
yay!!! moooaaarr madness!!