As usual, you've been super. But what's next (or before), I wonder...
Tell me what is inside your brain, aside from greymeats.
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
Posted by Krinkels - November 28th, 2011
As usual, you've been super. But what's next (or before), I wonder...
Tell me what is inside your brain, aside from greymeats.
According to my doctor and psychiatrist, mercury is in my brain.
too many fish?
use the soldiers of mc 7.5 in madness 11 , make sanford put a virus in the computer (so that soldiers go strange) and then they will be like zombies , then 1 soldier survived , make that soldier to be a strong enemy (make him inject esteroid or go to gym) and then he will be the only one left vs sanford :DDD
but where is the INTRIGUE??
what about that one..
<a href=""> ost/291603</a>
remember ? it is dead ?
oh that thing
yeah it's dead
The Fall of the AAHW, or maybe an AAHW panic as the dumber ones rush around, while the others still hold up to attack Hank and Sanford. Essentially, Hank and Sanford... maybe recovers Deimos' Body, and revive him. (Best friends forever) And then they leave Nevada before the Normality explosions turn it into a desolate scorch mark, or warps them elsewhere. But if we expect to see those guys from MC7.5, then at least make them a bit smarter. That's what is lacking from the AAHW. Give Hank, Sanford, (maybe) Deimos.
Knowing you, you might end up pulling off your own insanity.
Also, moar AUG.
I agree, more aug is needed. Something's been missing and it sure as hell hasn't been PLOT.
Rectangle 'n' oval 3.
Stamper won't let me make any more. He threatened to block me on AIM.
How about making Madness Interactive 2, god knows the original needs an update.
I hear that. Sooner than you think you may get what you wish for.
My brain is filled with nothing but card board and booze.
Are you me?
There is only one more direction you can take this in:
Tricky Madness 3.
oh god no.
A guy eating ice cream
and edge out the hotdog guy? I think not.
Christian Bale's shorts
I did that and I'm still embarrassed about it.
Wonder what you might pull off?
In my brain, is Max Payne.
I pull off nothing. I'm no magician, just the resident NG homeless man who keeps leaving stuff in their dumpster.
Sanford and Hank escaping from the reality restoration
yeah that's about all there is right now.
Make some god damn shorts.
Incidents? Perhaps.
stuff like crap/garbage? NO!
well, maybe...
loved 7.5, i recon you should do a mc11, make tricky and the auditor fuse together, and they are both fighting to control the new tricky demon/auditor body. meanwhile, hank and sanford do what they do best, of course, you can come up with the rest, you are the higher power after all ;).
yeah that ending was nice and open ended. Literally just about anything can happen from there. An ending, sure, but someday I want to dive at it again.
Show the agency/resistance Hank Sanford and Deimos belong to. Also helicopter landing please!
the resistance is an embarrassment. But yeah I gotta show that helicopter landing.
Also yay I responded to a whole bunch of comments just because.
You're fired kevin.
pick your things and leave.
anyways you should give the halo of jebus to tricky, you known... tricky loves hats
Of course, you NEED to show the landing and how sanford and diemos got more of their gear, and more incidents would definitely be nice. I really like the latest one. I'll honestly be kinda sad if the main story of Madness that's been going on since 2 ends at 11, but I'm sure your "dive" back into it would be great too.
I want to know what happend just after they get out the chopper and where they get all there gear from, so inbetween 6.5 and 7.5 I geuss.
Also just like to say the choreography seems to be getting much better, Cant wait for what ever crap you make next. keep up teh good work ;)
Krinkels (Updated )