Swain said:
"Don't worry guys, it's comin'. Krinkels and I haven't had a day off this month since we decided to doubletime the project. Today is the last day of features programming. I want to give you guys a rundown of the main game features so you know why we've gone a bit over deadline (we DO expect to be finished within a week latest).
x) Our main goal here is to have a fun game which simulates a true Madness experience, just like watching the cartoons! Matt is a Nazi about his guns, so expect every game weapon to match its real world counterpart right down to the last spring.
x) The game will be EPISODIC. That is to say, it will be released with a single world's worth of stages, and we'll get straight to work on the next set. In a perfect world, we would have a new set of stages for you guys every month. Maybe more often than that.
x) In Episode 1 you'll mostly be kicking ass as Sanford and Deimos. Hank and a few other characters will be making appearances throughout the series, too.
x) Along with episode updates, you'll have new game modes to dick around with as well. We're including an Arena wave mode on launch, with plans for an RPG mode (Dead Rising style) and CTF Paintball down the line.
So there ya go! In the meantime, here is Hank blowing a guy's head off from behind cover, and Blockhead Episode 1 translated into German:"
Which pretty much sums up everything that needs to be known about what we're up to.
Take all the time you need to make it awesome!