Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
Ok That Movie Was Just Awesome
Ok That Movie Was Just Awesome
whats up with those shaking hands ?
As always, top notch dood :3
Watched it in YouTube,awesome indeed.
I only made it to wave 32 in zombies, them zombies are way harder than people.
Yes,of course.
LOL! It seems that Sandford and Deimos can't do anything right.
Hank was taking a break for once :D
plus, he got some soda.
Incident: 001
Incident: 010
Incident: 011
and new Incident: 100?!?!
Counting in binary.
love the ending :) also, this is the first time I've ever seen any evidence of hank either living somewhere, or drinking something.
I don't wanna annoy you, Krinkels, but could you show some more Incidents that reveal the antagonists background? Even if it's just one of them buying a Coke? Please? Nah, I'm still glad it's up here now!
Loved the inclusion of the colt commando with Grenade Launcher.
i watched on youtube what hapened?
Loved the flash ending and the song.
Smoother than ever, thou your hand movements are at some points pretty crude, by purpose of more realistic or just rush?
Also, Lol'd at the ending.
watching it on youtube 1080p with headphones on is very ccol
first time hank never killed anybody, wow. hank is just chilling drinking soda lol.
Awesome work, cant wait for the next Incident!
deyum my timing is perfect.