Synopsis: I've hit the ground running on my next animation adventures (rest assured, friends, it'll be significantly beefier than I:101a). Madness Day was awesome, winners will be announced.... RIGHT HERE!!!!
Also, my wife Laura made these amigurumis of some Madness Combat characters. We're seriously thinking of making some available in her Etsy shop and with each purchase I'll include a little thank you index card I signed. If you want to see this happen, click the wish button on here: is-506b84bb9278a3405d0008ef
those look nice, tell laura that she is good at making things, and how is Madness combat 11 doing?
Krinkels (Updated )
It's been floating in the water face down because I been busier than hell. Don't worry, things are getting done. Madness things.
Feel free to ask about it every single time I make a news post, though. Then for good measure, months from now when I finally finish it and have it uploaded, be sure to badger me about mc12.