Hey guys, I've been working to start selling prints and what-have-you at my wife's Etsy store, check it out, I want to get more in there over the next few weeks: http://www.etsy.com/shop/StarsSpikes
Current project: Incident:110a, MC11(still in prelim stage).
In case you guys were wondering, I spent a majority of this summer working on commission animation stuff that wasn't madness stuff. It was a pretty neat project but now that it's finally out of my way I can start animating madness all day again like old times. I'm going to try and work on mc11 and inc110 in tandem (at this rate inc110 will be out far sooner than mc11). We'll see how everything works out as time flies by, but it feels good to have nothing on my plate but Madness stuff again.
EDIT: when the comm work is through the 'touch up' phase I'll let you know where it's posted, for those who are curious.