Friday update time, guys. This week in the world of Team Madness I've been plugging away like a madman at more character animations, filling out the lengthy list of things we'll need by the time we get to a playable beta. Running anims, death anims, wounded, staggers, zombie sprints, melee attacks, and some parrying have been done today, if you check out tumblr ( you can see some gifs of newer stuff I've been up to. On the side of that I've begun uv mapping all the firearms.
Swain and I have just about settled on a health/armor system for Project Nexus 2 that is a departure from the more traditional healthbar set up that was seen in the first game,and with that, Swain has been busy turning a bunch of crazypeople notes and conversations into legitimate code. On top of that he's been implementing the material sent his way by me.
And as the cherry on top, check out this here track Devin's been cobbling together for the game:
Looking shweet c: