Now kindly stop IM'ing me about it. I got a lot of other BS going on right now besides Madness. But I am working on it. It will feature firearms, stabbing, and probably blood and another goofy ending, for sure. So yeah, peas out.
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
I didn't know you'd start it so fast.
But it's looking fucking sweet.
im so happy
i just shat a brick
Love it.
Nice car. I know thats Hank driving, hes the only one who can drive a car in Madness.
Well, you know Newgrounds would wait from one end of time to the other just to see Madness, though during the wait many of us may get impatient. And we know that Madness 9 will be one hell of a great movie. So since everyone here understands these two things, I can only wish you luck in the creation of Madness 9, and in any other events and processes that are going on in your life.
cool i cant wait i love when you make updates
Awesome, a car...
15th comment! yes! uh oh! a new short cuming? lol! XD
looks damn sweet. are you gonna reveil the face of mm?
..... you're not gonna replie, are ya?
Good car man! and all! I wait Madness9 coming soon
Please let me state a few things, that are either comments, questions, or whatever:
1: Hank died?!?! I mean just because Jebus killed him doesn't mean Hanks gone for good! Remember when Jebus stabbed Hank with the sword? HE CAME BACK TO LIFE. And I don't recall Hank ever getting his pie......?
2: Madness 9 will rock out loud. All the other Madness Combats were golden, hence, a awesome Madness 9 will come.
3: Send out some comment replies, man. Even to us noobs. You make us all feel like we are not worthy or something.
4: Nice graphics. And nice gory mind. It's what Madness is made off of.
5: What FPS do you use? O.o
Dude, I Have an Idea For Madness But since you Already Started Madness 9 I Guess I will be Keeping a Secret ;D
c krinkels.. all u had 2 do show us. was that so hard?
sweet another madness for me to favorite.....please tell in this one we find out who the REAL father is :D
Omg Sweet
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH are you fucking down man you are the best fucking the rest i hope all good plz make that hANK COME IN THIS LIFE BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cool pic
wwwwwwooow! but one thing! why isn't hank there?
Lookimh forward to it, I like the screeny =P