We're getting obscenely close to a playable alpha for those who donated to the KS....
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99
You put a hand in that alpha's pants, right? That close?
Oh, you better release that alpha, young man.
It's cool that you advance in your game, otherwise is when that we will have an alpha ?
I NEED A SPECIFIC DATE FOR THE ALPHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Sweet! Hope it'll come soon!
I have one concern, people don't buy and play games if they're different, hence why Activision didn't go bankrupt three Call-Of-Duty-1-Ripoffs-Disguised-As-Sequels ago. So i'm worried since it is unlike most games I have ever heard of that it might not be sucessful.
make a super early alpha
I'm starting to regret not donating to the KS. Oh well, I'll buy this game one day.
Lookin' good!
i'll be your slave!(lie)
(no kidding)
i super luv you krinkel :D
Can't wait. Glad i donated to the KS and glad to hear that progress is still going on
The 200th post will be the final one. Which means the release of the alpha,of course.
Feel bad for the trooper in those crosshairs...
should not mask the transparency of glass as an additional character?
Close like, in some days? A week? In any case I can't wait!