Every time we think we're ready to throw an alpha to the Kickstarter backers, Swain and I are like 'but wait, lets add something else!' this time, we've elaborated on the arena mode, and I went and created all the MERC units. If you're just joining us, MERCs are a faction that'll be harassing the player in story and arena mode alike, disassociated with the Nexus Core or the A.A.H.W., with their own goals that naturally, will be conflicting with everyone else's (except in arena mode, where they're just there for you to shoot at/be shot at by), What makes MERCs unique, gameplay-wise is their leadership system. Swain's sorted out a pretty cool way for these little jerks to take orders from their superiors to accomplish their goals. Leaders will utilize the various units; Class 0 Grunts, Class 1 Lunatics, Class 2 Marksmen, and Class 3 Heavies. Taking out their leaders, naturally, strikes not only a blow against their morale, but their coordination, as well.
Nevermind the guy in the upper left, he's just the pilot. We needed a pilot. >_>
Without you put pressure, have you scheduled a release date (in any version) ? Alternatively good job.