Another Madness day is upon us, which means another day of me camping the portal and watching fan cartoons :D
Project Nexus 2 moves along better than ever. I could bore you with the details about 'blah blah event system' or 'derp hurr durr optimization and bug fixing' but I'd rather just show you what we've been up to:
A mk.1 Golem weilding an M60. Creating higher teired weapons for larger units was imperitave.Of course, making heavy weaponry available to the player was also important.
While swain has been working on some optimization, bugfixing, and streamlining the level creation process, I've been making more maps. I have several set up and ready to go in once everything is running smoothy.
Murder Room 4.
And of course, I've been retexturing old models to get things looking even better.
That is to say, Swain and I have been working ourselves completely insane since the kickstarter. I have, in my own time, started getting back into Flash, however. If you're interested in funding these after hours endeavors I implore you to investigate my Patreon. I have to keep the lights on, and I think you guys want me animating instead of taking on commission artwork. It would mean a regular animation schedule on Flash, and more art done for art's sake, like this:
Happy Madness day Krinkels !!!