Awwww. What a touching tale...
I knew Mindchamber would come around.
Awwww. What a touching tale...
I knew Mindchamber would come around.
Ha Ha, Oh wow.
Seriously funny. I love how Blockhead frequently tortures the english language, while gallavanting around quite willy-nilly. His Ny-invulnurability reminds me of the free wheeling antics of the Tick, vaugely. A very well designed character. The inner-voice/guy-in-chair didn't make me laugh though, he needed like, clown makeup in every third scene. Or maybe like, have him bleeding out his neck or something. I don't know... blood.
Blood... blood....
Glad you finally decided to join me in the Blockhead world, big guy - now go review the other nine episodes you missed :D
Actually, I think I owe you a Madness review first. YOU STRIKE A HARD BARGAIN.
Shut up, luis.
Tablet is awesome. I will never go back, NEVER.
omfg you just caught me in my element.
I sprout blood from my head roughly once or twice a minute whenever I am using my tablet.
Originally this had a scene at the end that was about how much energy drink the guy/me was drinking. But I took it out and the joke suddenly became that he ctrl + z'd his own head blowing up.
See - you earned a secret bit of information for reviewing my movie!
You have talent...
Just no focus. All you really need is practice. Keep at it.
Finally seen it.
After like, ten billion years I finally get around to seeing this, and I gotta say, this is rather slick. The main character is so wonderfully oblivious to everything. Thumbs up.
This flash made me cry.
Srsly. I want more from you.
Oh fuck yes. I love how slick this is, refreshing. The whole thing is going to be a real treat.
Ha ha oh wow.
This is amazing. It should have ended with a torrent of soupy turd mess, though. That would have earned my 10.
that would kind of cancel out the whole constipation thing
Stop that.
Stop shaking the camera and doing rapid blackouts. It sucks, stop it.
Wait... what?? It's just a short geez..
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99