omg, duration counts. I really like how the comedy in this movie endures as well. It never goes droll or boring. You did an amazing job on this. Brownie points times infinity billion!
omg, duration counts. I really like how the comedy in this movie endures as well. It never goes droll or boring. You did an amazing job on this. Brownie points times infinity billion!
I liked the music, and slow mo stuff was cool too. but there needs to be more bulletholes! you can never have enough!
That could have really taken off. Why was he not going on adventures with his clone? To the moon? battling pirates? Beating up old people? I can think of a million and one things I would do with my clone that don't involve jesus or cheese.
nice art tho,
Yeah really...
How is this beating all the other awesome movies/games on NG? Madness Interactive, Arfenhouse, and movies by 'PiT' just to name a few should be way above this.
Either way, it was kinda fun to watch... I would like to see what it would have been like if the framerate were doubled.
That was actually pretty good! Well animated, actiony, good sounds, my only complaint would be to make it go faster. See what it would look like with an extra 5-7 frames/sec just to haste things along.
hahaha.... "OMG!"
Haha, you saw 'OMG'.
I have waited your review.I'm glad you like it.
Why is this not top 50 material?
I liked this alot! The graphics were top notch for a stick figure fight, and music was well placed, and the blood... oh liters and liters of blood! Also, plenty of sneaking, stabbing, shooting, and fighting! My only gripe with it, is that the fighting stops and he flys around for a while and then... well, its a little slow there.
all I'm saying is that I am all for room to room carnage without any sort of real plot, but... that is to be expected from me.
lmao all too true...but the real question is why is your game 3.6 + !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STUPID NG BASTARDS! it has no clocks so they vote low, idiots, ne way thanks for the review, the next 1 will be more actionistic, since its russians, and u kno those crazy russians
"I need the toilet" hahaha, add music and this is gold! until then, its.. mostly gold! You are very good at silliness.
"i am done"
This coulda been alot better if you had spent a little more time on this, you're talented, it shows. You just blew this out in a hours worth of (understandable) rage, a few more graphical/audio gimmicks would have made this shine. C+ for effort!
Wow. Now I wasn't expecting this flash to get front page. I thought that was cool. Cooler still is I got a review from KRINKELS the MAN.
Thank you sir for your kind words. Inspiration to the max.
Matt "Krinkels" Jolly
Age 43, Male
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 12/18/99