Friday update day! Guns! Lots of guns! Well, not that many. We decided that tossing out all our placeholders was the way to go, so remember the stuff from the videos? Gone. The week was spent drawing out a weapon's list, complete with matrices that describe which gun parts will work with which frames, including weapon parts that can be changed out with others (Example: AK47 barrel/magazine replacing parts on an m16, or a thompson .45acp drum magazine in a Stery Aug). Then work was set to work getting out a modest spread of pistols. Many of these have high variety of weapon specific modification, like extended barrels and magazines, and then you have things like silencers, red dots, rails, and buttstocks that can be placed on an array of them. in the 3x3 picture we have, top left to bottom right; Desert Eagle, Glock19, fictional .460 rowland magnum modeled after an oversized 1911 (because it's cool, shhh), FN FiveSeven, H&K Mk23, Browning HP, PPK, Ots-33, and the 1911a1.
Also a move date has been set; Krinkels will be in Philly on dec 3rd, from when work will start getting FAR more coordinated.