Alright, so, Madness day! Already a good bunch of great submissions! Many huge thanks to anyone who kicked in their bit of Madness flavored work so far! Can't wait to see what else gets submitted. In case you hadn't seen it yet, be sure to check out what I threw out there, Incident:1000A.
Though, more importantly, I'm thrilled to explain what Swainand I have been yelling at eachother about over the last long while; Project Nexus 2. We're going with the unity build, Why unity? Because Flash simply can't handle what we're trying to bring to the game, truth be told Nexus was stripped of a litany of features that couldn't be added because of the limitations of the Flash environment. With the Unity engine, we can go full 3d, and have a greater command of creative control over what we want to offer. The greatest challenge will be maintaining that madness feel in the third dimension, but given the general levels of awesome coming offa my main man Swain, I think we can deliver something you might enjoy. To actualize this, we're intending to run a kickstarter to ensure that we don't have to get jobs washing dishes, keep an eye out for that.
You can keep up with our development blog here:
And of course, I'll be posting semi-regular updates on the Madness Combat facebook page.
Alright I gotta go check out more MD2013 animations and arts and whatnots...